Keeping an Eye on your Child’s Sight

Back-to-School: Keeping an Eye on your Child’s Sight

July 9th, 2024

As children head back to school, it is crucial to pay attention to more than just their academic performance and social growth. Their eye health plays a pivotal role in learning and interacting with the world around them. Many kids won’t complain about vision problems simply because they may not recognize them as abnormal. Here's how to identify signs of possible eye-related condition (such as refractive error) and understand when a visit to Stanton Optical is essential.

Why Good Vision is Critical for School Success

Vision issues can profoundly impact a child's education, often manifesting as a decline in school performance. Children with uncorrected vision problems may need help to see the whiteboard, read textbooks, or use a computer effectively, all of which can lead to poor academic performance. A child's ability to focus visually affects their learning, concentration, and attention in class.

Signs of Vision Problems in Children

As a parent or caregiver, staying alert to the signs of potential vision problems is essential, especially during the school year. Here are some key indicators that your child might be experiencing vision issues:

  1. Decline in School Performance: If you notice a sudden drop in your child's grades or a teacher reports that your child is having trouble seeing the board, it could be a sign of a vision problem.
  2. Lack of Focus: Children who can’t see well might seem inattentive or distracted in class. They might also have difficulty with tasks that require sustained visual effort, such as reading or writing.
  3. Holding Books or Devices Too Close: If your child frequently holds books, tablets, or other devices closer to their face than usual, it could indicate myopia (nearsightedness) or other refractive errors.
  4. Squinting: Squinting may help momentarily improve focus and clarity for children with refractive errors. If your child squints frequently, it suggests they struggle to see clearly.
  5. Complaints of Headaches or Eye Strain: Regular headaches or complaints of tired eyes after reading or using a computer could be caused by uncorrected vision or blue light exposure from screens.

The Impact of Blue Light

With the increase in digital learning, children’s exposure to blue light has significantly risen. Blue light from screens can contribute to digital eye strain, which can make focusing difficult and lead to discomfort. Symptoms often include headaches as well as dryness, redness, irritation, fatigue, and overall pain around the eyes. Discussing these concerns during an eye exam can help, as Stanton Optical offers solutions like blue light filtering glasses designed to reduce the impact of blue light exposure, promoting comfort and better focus.

When to Visit Stanton Optical

An annual eye exam is vital to keeping your child's vision sharp and promptly addressing any vision problems. At Stanton Optical, we recommend that children have their eyes checked before starting school. Our comprehensive eye exams are tailored to children, making them quick, comfortable, and stress-free. Our friendly eye care professionals use the latest technology to assess your child's vision and can recommend glasses, contacts, or other treatments to help manage or correct vision issues. As your child steps into the new school year, ensure their vision does not hold them back. Recognizing the early signs of eyesight decline can prevent future challenges. At Stanton Optical, we’re ready to support your child’s journey to clearer vision and better learning. Schedule an appointment today and ensure your child is fully prepared to succeed this school year with optimal eye health.